Interstate association

Dear colleagues!
Interstate Association Titan, VSMPO-Avisma Corporation,
Titanium Valley SEZ, Titanium Cluster of the Sverdlovsk region
invites you to take part in the XV International Conference
“Ti – 2017 in the CIS”
March 26-29, 2017
Ekaterinburg, Russia
Conference "Ti-2017 in the CIS" dedicated to 60th anniversary of VSMPO titanium production
and the 25th anniversary of the Interstate Association Titan.
Sponsors of Ti-2017
Coffee break Sponsor
The basic themes of conference:
The review of the titanium market in the countries CIS and in the world
National programs of branch development
Dynamics of development basic titanium application
New achievements in the metallurgical science and titanium metallurgy
Development of a raw-material base titanium branch
The analysis of ferrotitanium market
Working language of conference – Russian. Simultaneous interpretation on English.
Currently the program is forming by the reports and speeches at the conference.
Please send the application with the names of the authors of the reports up to February 20, 2017.
Registration $ 700.00
For Association members $ 500.00
Spouse/Guest - 250,00$/person