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Journal "Titan" has been published since April 1993. The founder is Interstate Association Titan.


The main content of the journal - the scientific articles, scientific reviews, materials of information character, materials devoted to events and anniversaries.


The journal publishes the results of research and development in the field of extraction and processing of titanium raw materials; materials science and metallurgy of titanium and titanium alloys;  technologies and equipment for producing and processing titanium, semi-finished products and products; the application of titanium and its alloys in various areas of equipment; questions of quality titanium products; organization and economies of titanium production; the titanium market.


The journal is intended for a wide circle of scientists and specialists, whose professional activity is connected with materials science, production, processing and application of titanium and its alloys on his basis, and also heads of the enterprises, engineers, technologists, researchers, graduate students and students of technical universities.


Journal "Titan" is the reviewed edition.

Publication in the magazine – free.


Since 2010 the journal "Titan" is included into "The List of leading reviewed scientific magazines and editions in which the main scientific results of theses on competition of an academic degree of the doctor and candidate of science ", approved by the Highest attestation commission of the Russian Federation.


Since 2009 the journal is included in the database "Russian Science Citation Index" (RSCI), placed on the platform of Scientific electronic library. Five-year impact factor of the journal (2014) 0,352; place in rating SCIENCE INDEX (2013) in the category "Metallurgy" ‒ 20.


Frequency of the edition – 4 times a year. Subscription index in the catalogue of Agency "Rospechat" 47216.


ISSN 2075-2903

© 2013-2023. Interstate association TITAN

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