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Association Members

1. JSC "VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation"

2. Volnogorsk mining and metallurgical plant


3. Leninabad Rare Metals Combine


4. JSC "Ruspolimet"


5. JSC "Normal"


6. JTS "RedMetService"


7. JSC "UralRedMet"


8. JSC "Ural Forge"


9. JSC "Ural Chemical Machinery"


10. State Scientific Center of Russian Federation "All-Russian Institute of Aviation Materials" (VIAM)


11. JSC "All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys" (VILS)


12. JSC "GiproNIIaviaprom"


13. JSC "Russian Science and Research institute for Titanium and Magnesium"


14. JSC "Titanium Institute"

15. Chemical-metallurgical factory "Mariupol metallurgical plant Illicha M."


16. NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - CRISM "Prometey"


17. Joint-stock company “Chepetsky Mechanical Plant” 


18. "Solikamsky magnesium works"


19. KV-Titan, Ltd


20. Grandis Titanium, LLC


21. Zaporozhye Titanium-Magnesium Plant (ZTMK), Ukraine


22. Scientific & Production Center “Titan” of Electric Welding Institute Named after E.O. Paton, NAS, Ukraine 


23. Institute of metalphysics Ukrainian academy of sciences


24. Cap. Co. Srl


25. Megametall LTD

26. "Chervona Hvilya"

27. Physico-Technical Institute NAN of Belarus

28. JSC "Electromechanika"

29. "Antares"

30. JSC "Admiral"

31. JSC "Leading research Institute of chemical technology" (JSC VNIIHT)


32. Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium-Magnesium Plant


33. "Aquamarin"

34. OSCAR Production Group


35. SGL Group - The Carbon Company


36. Yunnan Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.  China





39. LLC "Titan-service"

40. JSC SEZ "Titanium valley"

41. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin


43. Hunan Xiangtou Goldsky Titanium Metal Co.,Ltd

44. Baoji Titanium Industry Co., LTD

45. Snegiri Special Alloy

46. The Galion Group of Companies

47. "Transсon"

48. "Titanium Company of Luxembourg S.A."

49. Xinpengyuan Intelligent Equipment Group Co., Ltd

50. "Strategiya BM"

51. Avialit

52. CMK

53. Metall Invest

54. Trade VM

55. Panzhihua University

56. JSC "Bashkir Soda Company"

57. Titel LLC

58. LCMA S.A.

59. TiFast srl

60. "Invertor"

61. JSC "Machinery Manufacturing Plant"

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