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“Titan” Journal editorial staff applies to authors for following rules stated below when sending articles for printing.


For articles publication the following is to be provided

  • Expert advice on possibility of publication in public printing is to be witnessed by the stamp of organization the expertise has been carried out in.

  • Information about the author the editorial staff can be in contact with: surname, first name and patronymic (in full), address and (or) telephone number, e-mail address (can be provided on-line).

  • The article (in Microsoft Word file).

  • Initial figures (in separate bit-mapped graphics files).


Article. Text of the article is to be structured as follows:

- UDC;

- Article name in Russian;

- Article name in English;

- Reference to financial support (if needed);

- Initials and surnames of the authors in Russian;

- Initials and surnames of the authors in English (transliteration);

- Place of employment of the every author;

- E-mail of the every author;

- Abstract of the article in Russian (less than 500 characters);

- Abstract of the article in English (less than 500 characters);

- Keywords in Russian (5-6 words and/or word combinations);

- Keywords in English (5-6 words and/or word combinations);

- Text of the article including figures and tables;

- Referenced literature (to be drawn up according to the effective State Standard).


Requirements to materials being sent to editorial staff

Text of the article is to be typed in Microsoft Word text editor in A4 paper size (210´297 mm) with the left side margins width of 25 – 30 mm preferably by Times New Roman type; size of the type is to be 14 units; line-spacing equals 1.5 units; justified alignment of the text. Word hyphenation is not allowed as well as text alignment by the use of space; the text should not contain “line feed” characters in the end of the lines. Headers and footers are not allowed. References in round brackets are given for every figure and table; references in square brackets are given for a number of every literature source.

Every figure and every table should have number and name.

Referenced literature is to be made up according to the effective State Standard. Numeration of referenced literature is given according to the order of their mention in the text. Unpublished papers are not included in the reference list.

Abbreviations in the text, tables, figures and captions to them are not allowed (except for conventional abbreviations). It is recommended to give dimension of physical quantity in the International System of Units (SI system).


Illustrations provided in separate files of bit-mapped graphics (TIFF, JPEG, etc.) should possess resolution of more than 300 dpi at 1:1 scale. Images of the structures should contain scale in the right lower corner (“micron-marker”, not magnification).


Payment for publication of the articles is not collected from post-graduate students and other authors.


Editorial staff reserves the right to carry out textual amendment of a manuscript. Proofs are not sent to the authors for reviewing. Non-observance of the requirements leads to delay of publication or rejection of the article.

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