Interstate association
The general sponsor (sponsor's payment of 5000,00$)
The sponsor's package includes:
Granting the status of the general sponsor.
Placing the company name and/or logo of the sponsor with instructions a category of sponsorship in The Official program and Works of the conference, advertising and information materials, circulars, press releases, messages in mass media coverage before, during and after the event.
Placing the company name and/or logo of the sponsor with instructions a category of sponsorship on a publicity board in size 300 х 100 cm in a hall of The Conference (the sponsor gives).
Placing a sponsor’s publicity board (size A4) with the company name or a logo with instructions a category of sponsorship at check-in of participants of The Conference (the sponsor gives).
Placing the company name or logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship on the Conference Web-site referring to a site of the sponsor or placing a banner of the sponsor (the sponsor gives).
Presentation of the sponsor on 1st plenary meeting of The Conference (20 minutes).
Presentation of the sponsor on any of sections (15 minutes).
Participation in all actions of The Conference of 5 (five) representatives of the sponsor without a registration payment.
The publication of the advertising block of the sponsor (1 colour strip A4 format) on 2nd or 4th side of a magazine "Titan" cover (the sponsor gives).
Placing the company name and logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship on the title page of Works of The Conference (the sponsor gives).
The information materials of the sponsor are included in a briefcase of the participant of The Conference without restrictions by quantity.
Free distribution of information materials of the sponsor (brochures, booklets, leaflets etc.) at The Conference (the sponsor gives).
The official sponsor (sponsor's payment of 2500,00$)
The sponsor's package includes:
Granting the status of the official sponsor.
Placing the company name and/or logo of the sponsor with instructions a category of sponsorship in the Official program and Works of the conference, advertising and information materials, circulars, press releases, messages in mass media prior from the beginning, during and after action closing-up.
Placing the company name and/or logo of the sponsor with instructions a category of sponsorship on a publicity board in size 250 х 100 cm in a hall of The Conference (the sponsor gives).
Placing a sponsor’s company name or a logo with instructions of a category of sponsorship at information desks at check-in of participants of The Conference (the sponsor gives).
Placing the company name or logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship on The Conference Web-site referring to a site of the sponsor or placing a banner of the sponsor (the sponsor gives).
Presentation of the sponsor on 2nd plenary meeting of The Conference (20 minutes).
Presentation of the sponsor on any of sections (15 minutes).
Participation in all actions of The Conference of 3 (three) representatives of the sponsor without a registration payment.
The publication of the advertising block of the sponsor (1 colour strip A4 format) in the magazine «Titan» covers (the sponsor gives).
Placing the company name and logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship on the title page of Works of The Conference (the sponsor gives).
The information materials of the sponsor are included in a briefcase of the participant of The Conference (one including, the sponsor gives).
Free distribution of information materials of the sponsor (brochures, booklets, leaflets etc.) at The Conference (the sponsor gives).
The sponsor (sponsor's payment of 1500,00$)
The sponsor's package includes:
Granting the status of the sponsor.
Placing the company name and/or logo of the sponsor with instructions a category of sponsorship in the Official program and Works of the conference, advertising and information materials, circulars, press releases, messages in mass media prior from the beginning, during and after action closing-up.
Placing the company name and/or logo of the sponsor with instructions a category of sponsorship on a publicity board in size 150 х 100 cm in a hall of The Conference (the sponsor gives).
Placing the company name or logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship on The Conference Web-site referring to a site of the sponsor or placing a banner of the sponsor (the sponsor gives).
Presentation of the sponsor on any of sections (15 minutes).
Participation in all actions of The Conference of 2 (two) representatives of the sponsor without a registration payment.
The publication of the advertising block of the sponsor (1/2 colour strip A4 format) on a magazine "Titan" (the sponsor gives).
Placing the company name and logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship on the title page of Works of The Conference (the sponsor gives).
The information materials of the sponsor are included in a briefcase of the participant of The Conference (one including, the sponsor gives).
Free distribution of information materials of the sponsor (brochures, booklets, leaflets etc.) at The Conference. (the sponsor gives)
Sponsors by nominations
The sponsor of solemn reception (sponsor's payment of 1200,00$)
The sponsor's package includes:
Granting the status of the sponsor on the given nomination.
Placing the company name and/or logo of the sponsor with instructions a category of sponsorship in the Official program and Works of The Conference.
Placing of the company name and/or logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship on a publicity board size А1 in a hall of solemn reception (the sponsor gives).
Participation in all actions of The Conference of 1 (one) representative of the sponsor without a registration payment.
Placing of the company name or logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship on The Conference Web-site referring to a site of the sponsor or placing a banner of the sponsor (the sponsor gives).
The information materials of the sponsor are included in a briefcase of the participant of The Conference (one including, the sponsor gives).
The sponsor of a printed matter release (sponsor's payment of 900,00$)
The sponsor's package includes:
Granting the status of the sponsor on the given nomination.
Placing the company name and/or logo of the sponsor with instructions a category of sponsorship in the Official program and Works of The Conference.
The publication of the advertising block of the sponsor (1 colour strip A4 format) on a magazine "Titan" (the sponsor gives).
Placing the company name or logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship on The Conference Web-site referring to a site of the sponsor or placing a banner of the sponsor (the sponsor gives).
Participation in all actions of The Conference of 1 (One) representative of the sponsor without a registration payment.
The information materials of the sponsor are included in a briefcase of the participant of The Conference (one including, the sponsor gives).
The sponsor of the cultural program (sponsor's payment of 900,00$)
The sponsor's package includes:
Granting the status of the sponsor on the given nomination.
Placing of the company name and/or logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship at the excursion tickets and bus-nameboards (the sponsor gives).
Placing the company name and/or logo of the sponsor with instructions a category of sponsorship in the Official program and Works of The Conference.
Participation in all actions of The Conference of 1 (one) representative of the sponsor without a registration payment.
Placing of the company name or logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship on The Conference Web-site referring to a site of the sponsor or placing a banner of the sponsor (the sponsor gives).
The information materials of the sponsor are included in a briefcase of the participant of The Conference (one including, the sponsor gives).
The sponsor of souvenir production release (sponsor's payment of 900,00$)
The sponsor's package includes:
Granting the status of the sponsor on the given nomination.
Possibility of distribution of souvenir production (the handle, notebooks, tablets, T-shirts, etc.) with a logo of the Sponsor to participants of The Conference (souvenir production the sponsor gives).
Placing of the company name and/or logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship in the Official catalogue and The Conference Works.
Participation in all actions of The Conference of 1 (one) representative of the sponsor without a registration payment.
Placing of the company name or logo of the sponsor with instructions of a category of sponsorship on The Conference Web-site referring to a site of the sponsor or placing a banner of the sponsor (the sponsor gives).
The information materials of the sponsor are included in a briefcase of the participant of The Conference (one including, the sponsor gives).