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Titanium №1 2011




1. L. Gerasimova, A. Nikolaev, M. Maslova.

Sulphuric acid processing of low-titaniferous slag with the production of titanium dioxide.

2. G. Kolobov, D. Pruttskov, A. Shcherbyna, V. Pavlov, A. Drozdenko, V. Gomonaj, K. Szekeresh, M. Drozdenko.

Waste titanium alloys as raw material source for powder metallurgy of titanium.

3. A. Kolba, A. Zagorodnij.

A new method for treating titanium dioxide in the preparing the charge for more pure ferrotitanium without titanium scrap.

4. M. Kotsar, V. Nikonov, V. Tarasov, A. Aleksandrov, E. Tarasova.

Spent lithium chemical current sources as innovative (next-generation) source of secondary lithium, titanium, nickel, manganese and other precious materials.




5. A. Ilyin, S. Skvortsova, V. Spector, I. Kudelina, E. Oreshko.

Correlation of structure and mechanical properties complex in titanium alloy VT6.

6. I. Gorynin, A. Kudryavtsev, A. Oryshchenko.

Basic aspects of development of high-strength weldable titanium alloys for marine application.

7. A. Popov, N. Rossina, M. Popova, A.Volkov.

Ordering process in heat-resistant titanium alloys.




8. A. Alexandrov.

Titanium market condition within the last decade and its development perspectives.




9. V. Dorofeeva.

The way they made titanium in the heart of the Urals for the monument in Geneva.

10. To the 80 -year anniversary Valentyn Lobanov.

11. To the 55 -year anniversary Sergey Kuznetsov.


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